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研究 薪水、发薪日和在线平台经济


Americans experience tremendous income volatility, and that volatility is on the rise. 收入波动之所以重要,是因为它很难管理. 典型的家庭面临着抵御这种波动所必需的金融缓冲的短缺. 此外, 自2009年以来,除了收入最高的5%人群外,所有收入群体的实际工资都在下降,这意味着总体而言,生活变得更加难以负担, 但当收益低于平均水平时更是如此. 快速发展的网络平台, 比如Uber和Airbnb, 通过将一项工作分解成离散的任务,并将个人卖家与消费者直接联系起来,创造了一个新的工作市场. 这些灵活的, 容易获得的工作机会有可能帮助人们缓冲收入和支出的冲击. The “Online Platform Economy” offers fewer worker protections than traditional work arrangements, 然而, 这使得一些人声称,在线平台经济代表了工作性质的根本转变.

这份来自澳博官方网站app研究所的报告深入挖掘了人口统计数据和收入波动的来源,并对在线平台经济的影响提供了前所未有的看法. This analysis relies on high-frequency data from a randomized, 匿名 sample of 1 million 追逐 customers between October 2012 and September 2015. 考察网络平台经济, we assembled the largest sample of platform workers to date—a dataset of over 260,000 individuals who have offered goods or services on one of 30 distinct platforms.


美国收入波动.S. 个人

找到一个: 收入波动, 普遍存在, 在年轻人中最明显吗, 收入最低的五分之一的人, 以及生活在西方的人.



绝大多数人年龄在18-24岁之间, 收入最低的五分之一的人, 生活在西方的人的总收入每月平均变化超过30%.

发现二: Median income individuals experienced nearly $500 in labor income fluctuations across months, with spikes in earnings larger but less frequent than dips.

Median income individuals experienced nearly $500 in labor income fluctuations across months, with spikes in earnings larger but less frequent than dips.

一个典型的人有43%的时间经历收入下降,33%的时间经历收入上升, 峰值比低谷的幅度大67%.

发现三: 税后收入的逐月波动(86%)主要来自不同工作的薪酬差异.

发现四: Almost four in 10 individuals experienced a job transition in a given year, contributing 14 percent of the month-to-month volatility in labor income.




As a fast-growing and highly accessible new marketplace for work, many have characterized the Online Platform Economy as the “future of work.“我们将在线平台经济定义为涉及在线中介的经济活动,该中介提供了一个平台,独立的工人或卖家可以通过该平台向客户销售离散的服务或商品. 劳动的平台, 比如Uber或TaskRabbit, connect customers with freelance or contingent workers who perform discrete projects or assignments. 资本平台, 比如eBay或Airbnb, connect customers with individuals who rent assets or sell goods peer-to-peer.

发现五: Although 1 percent of adults earned income from the Online Platform Economy in a given month, more than 4 percent participated over the three-year period.

发现六: 网络平台经济 was a secondary source of income, and participants did not increase their reliance on platform earnings over time.

Although the sheer number of people participating increased rapidly, 从参与者活跃的月数比例和活跃月在平台上赚取的总收入比例来看,用户对平台的依赖程度一直保持稳定.

找到七: Earnings from labor platforms offset dips in non-platform income, but earnings from capital platforms supplemented non-platform income.

个人不仅在外部收入下降时依赖劳动平台工作,而且在工作间隙也依赖劳动平台工作. 劳动力平台参与者在创造平台收入的几个月里(69%的人就业)从事传统工作的可能性低于没有创造平台收入的几个月(62%的人就业)。.



本报告的调查结果强调了资产建设的重要性,这样家庭才有足够的流动性来抵御收入和支出的波动. 关键, predictable savings opportunities include December to March pay spikes, five-Friday months for individuals with jobs that pay every two weeks or weekly, 对于那些获得退税的人来说,这是一个纳税季节. “五个星期五”效应还揭示了典型雇主薪酬周期和账单周期之间的结构性脱节. 80%的人在五个星期五的月份里会收到额外的薪水,因为他们的工作是每两周或每周发一次工资. 与此同时, 40%的支出, 包括租金和分期贷款, have a fixed per-month expense regardless of the number of days in that month. 这些固定成本可能更容易支付, 或者不久之后, 有额外薪水的几个月. 雇主, 金融机构, 公用事业公司, 房东可以通过提供与付款周期同步的薪水周期来改善这种不匹配,反之亦然. 

这项研究是同类研究中首次利用金融交易来揭示在线平台经济, 它为许多政策和经济辩论提供了重要的基础,这些辩论与一些人所说的“工作的未来”有关.” Over the three years of our study (October 2012 to September 2015), 4.2%的成年人,估计有10%.300万人——比纽约市的总人口还多——通过平台经济赚取收入. 这一数字在三年内增长了47倍. We distinguish between labor platforms and capital platforms and find that, although labor platforms grew more rapidly than capital platforms, 资本平台的参与率比劳动力平台的参与率高出60%以上. Although the sheer number of people participating grew rapidly, 平台收益仍然是次要收入来源, and reliance on platform earnings did not increase for individuals over time.

网络平台经济 adds an important new element to existing labor markets, 然而. 简而言之,平台作业更容易、更快捷. 个人可以, ,做, 当他们的固定收入下降时,及时在劳动力平台上创造额外收入. This is a potentially far better option to mitigate or weather volatility, if the alternatives are to constrain spending or take on additional credit. 此外,这个选项满足了目标需求. 参与劳动平台的人数最多的恰恰是那些经历了最高水平收入波动的人群——年轻人, 穷人, 以及生活在西方的个人. 



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